TR4 | On Your Head Be It, Von Croy!
描述: Finish Cambodia chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Time to Put Things Right!
描述: Finish Valley of the Kings chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Take Me to Von Croy!
描述: Finish Karnak chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Do Not Take Too Long Thinking It Over
描述: Finish Alexandria chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Barking Mad!
描述: Finish Cairo chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Good to See You Again, Werner
描述: Finish Giza chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Time to Finish What Carter Started!
描述: Finish The Times Exclusive level
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Angkor Wat
描述: Collect all secrets in Cambodia levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Kings
描述: Collect all secrets in Valley of the Kings levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Karnak
描述: Collect all secrets in Karnak levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Alexandria
描述: Collect all secrets in Alexandria levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Cairo
描述: Collect all secrets in Cairo levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Giza
描述: Collect all secrets in Giza levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Codex of Tutankhamun
描述: Collect all secrets in The Times Exclusive level
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | What’s Up, Doc?
描述: Lie down beside your predecessor
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | A Regular Virtuoso
描述: Get to the Iris in 1:30 or less using the route of the virtuous
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR4 | I’m up for a Little Heresy
描述: Get to the Iris in 1:55 or less using the path of the heretical
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Self-Defense Guide
描述: Make three jackals and three scorpions be defeated by fire in the Tomb of Seth
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Average Tea Party
描述: Defuse the blade trap by yourself in the Tomb of Seth
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Croft Tomb Racing
描述: Drive ahead of guide's jeep both into the gate and into the last tunnel
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Get Over There!
描述: Without preparations or healing, be stung near the obelisk and then move Canopic Jar 1 into place
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Gotcha!
描述: Defeat red assassin with Lara's pistols and don't let him fend off any bullets
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Six Out of Zero
描述: You've made your own luck
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Croft Gambit
描述: Finish Tomb of Semerkhet by winning the senet game
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Femme Elementale
描述: Eliminate the ice wraith without fire wraith's help or taking any damage
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Blade Outrunner
描述: Do not take damage from any of pedestal blades
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | A Muleta Woman
描述: Once the guardian breaks through the door, make him smash all three panels in 50 seconds or less
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | This Is Fine
描述: Get all three secret items despite the fire traps and finish the level
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Inspector Wadjet
描述: Get all the clues you can from Jean-Yves
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | I Hate It When These Things Do That!
描述: Open the sarcophagus with the terrifying mummy
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Godspeed
描述: Deactivate the trap by hitting all targets with only normal crossbow arrows
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Dead Shot
描述: Blow the skeleton's skull off when it is in a jump
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Three Stones With One Bird
描述: Destroy three wraiths with the power of a single statue
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Hypatia Would Be Proud
描述: Find all the clues to the puzzles
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Re-lion Yourself
描述: Don't flip the switch in the room with the lion heads
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Cooler than Henry
描述: Blind the three red assassins, poison them and then one-shot them in a row using single Lara's gun
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Prop With No Purpose
描述: Obtain Von Croy's glasses
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Jason's Apprentice
描述: Drown five royal guard skeletons in the water
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR4 | De-eskullation
描述: Decapitate a skeleton before it wakes up
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Octavian's Legacy
描述: Defeat both Cleopatra's guardians using only Lara's pistols and without taking any damage
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Double Trouble
描述: Do not get hurt through your replica statue
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Security Breach
描述: Destroy all the turrets
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Ghost Raider
描述: Get to the Cairo secret on a non-tuned motorcycle
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | A Plague Postponed
描述: Release the ice wraith without releasing the locusts
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Scarabicide
描述: Hit the scarab with your motorcycle
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Minimal Damage
描述: Do not destroy the helicopter on the roof
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | That’s a Knife!
描述: Defeat two crocodiles while being in the same tight space with them
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | With Khepri's Help
描述: Sneak past the steam pipes without taking any damage
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Swiper, No Swiping!
描述: Don't let anyone steal your medipack in the Sphinx Complex
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Olly Olly Oxen Free
描述: Lock both guardians in their cages
点数:10G | 0条攻略
描述: Pass through the corridors of traps without taking any damage
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Beep Beep!
描述: Send the scarabs to the grave in the room of Ra
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Serket Saved
描述: Make sure all the soldiers in Giza survive
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Scorpion King
描述: Defeat three giant scorpions with one normal grenade
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR4 | High Five to Maahes
描述: Defeat five enemies with one super grenade
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Three Wise Monkeys
描述: Try out all three levers
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Surrey Commando
描述: Break the gems using all types of weapons with normal ammo and no lasersight
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Devourer of the Devourer
描述: Defeat Ammit
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Seth Timer
描述: After sealing the temple, reach the exit in 40 seconds or less
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Blowing off Some Steam
描述: Break 9 objects in less than 10 seconds without using explosives
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Theomachist
描述: Do a handstand within sight of all the great statues
点数:25G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Bury It With Me
描述: Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough
点数:90G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Oops!
描述: Break every vessel in a single walkthrough
点数:90G | 0条攻略
TR4 | Welcome to Duat
描述: Beat the game on New Game+
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR5 | And So Ended the First of Many
描述: Finish Rome chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Man Could Never Again Misuse It
描述: Finish Russian Submarine chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | A Few Valuable Lessons
描述: Finish Ireland chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | To Absent Friends
描述: Finish VCI Headquarters chapter
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Codex of Rome
描述: Collect all secrets in Rome levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Codex of Zapadnaya Litsa
描述: Collect all secrets in Russian Submarine levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Codex of Ireland
描述: Collect all secrets in Ireland levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Codex of VCI
描述: Collect all secrets in VCI Headquarters levels
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Dress Rehearsal
描述: Finish the Opera Backstage
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | What a Horrid Idea!
描述: After using the Mouth of Truth, use another one in 16 seconds or less
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Not Ram Us
描述: Hang from the ledge on the ram side without being hurt
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Bark Square
描述: Defeat five dogs near the fountain
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | To the Envy of Venus
描述: Do a handstand over the portal gate
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Mars Is Attacked!
描述: Defeat the Guardian Head by firing only two shots in a row using the lasersight
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Long Live the King!
描述: Defeat all the lions using Uzis
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Feet of Clay
描述: Defeat the last soldier statue in the Colosseum using only Lara's pistols and without taking damage
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR5 | I’ll Get You Next Time!
描述: Dodge the falling claw three times in a row at the highest point of the warehouse
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Crane Game
描述: Pick up all the items in the warehouse before the claw drops down at least once
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Double Down
描述: Defeat both snipers without being hurt
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Damn, You're Not Good!
描述: Get back at this poser for all his bullying
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | I Am Invincible!
描述: Do not use any medipacks in the Submarine level
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Peculiarities of the National Fishing
描述: Use all ten chaff flares to divert torpedoes
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Silent Raider
描述: Make a torpedo crash into the submarine
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Stress Level Zero
描述: Don't make Lara nervous before she takes the secret and finds the Spear of Destiny
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Hell and High Water
描述: Do not get fire burns or electric shocks in the Sinking Submarine level
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Nekrasov Woman
描述: Get the nitrogen canister without taking any damage before turning off the power
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Impatiens
描述: Don't let the little imps hurt you in the Gallows Tree level
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Well Done
描述: Perform a clean somersault dive into the well
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Torchdown
描述: Check if the demon has been exorcised
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Fail Compilation
描述: Watch all the scenes of young Lara's failures
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Skeleton Prance
描述: Avoid being hit by the ghost skeletons in the chapel
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Amaze Runner
描述: Run through the final labyrinth in 25 seconds or less
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Animal Instinct
描述: Make the little imps run in panic
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Roses Are Gold, Lara Got Burned
描述: Before visiting the mill, pick up the secret behind the fires and survive
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Sleepy Merrow
描述: Once you're in the water, get rid of the creature in 25 seconds or less
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | The Trap Is Set
描述: Pick up all the secrets on the 13th floor, avoiding the lasers
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Nailed It!
描述: Use a hammer to take a shortcut
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Mission Impossible
描述: Get through the 13th Floor level unnoticed
点数:90G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Dodge This!
描述: One-shot five VCI guards in 20 seconds or less
点数:50G | 0条攻略
TR5 | VCI! Open Up!
描述: Get the teleport disk before the guards cut the door open
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Waterminator
描述: Defeat the first cyborg
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Miss Croft
描述: Run past the panoramic windows without taking damage from the helicopter
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Gassassin
描述: Defeat the second cyborg
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR5 | 30/10
描述: Perform a full triple somersault dive
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR5 | You Remembered!
描述: Happy birthday, Lara!
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Sweet Dreams
描述: Get the unreachable medipack
点数:50G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Tail Innocence
描述: Don't let the rat packs bite you through the whole walkthrough
点数:50G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Hoarding Order
描述: Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR5 | Pаst Mortem
描述: Beat the game on New Game+
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR6 | I Feel Stronger Now
描述: Finish Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
点数:50G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Room Service
描述: Defeat the cleaner
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Great Flood
描述: Defeat Proto-Nephilim
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Took Care
描述: Defeat Boaz
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Shut Him Up
描述: Defeat Eckhardt
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Parkour!
描述: Finish your training in the back alleys
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Crime Spree
描述: Be rude to Mlle Carvier and clean out her apartment before the police show up on the floor
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Bet Girl
描述: Obtain the Gold Watch
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Player Three Connected
描述: Surprise the boxers
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Coup de Grâce
描述: Open fire on an enemy and finish him off in melee combat
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Hit the Floor
描述: Drop the metal structure on the dance floor before security is aware of your presence
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Cartophile
描述: Examine all the Parisian Ghetto maps
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Pluie Noir
描述: Learn the password
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Kleptomaniac
描述: Obtain the Sports Watch
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Spendthrift
描述: Enter the graveyard without giving the trinket box to either Pierre or Bernard
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Death-Defying
描述: Get V-Packer ammo in St. Aicard's Graveyard
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Good Boys
描述: Do not kill any of the dogs or take any damage from them through the whole walkthrough
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Let Pit Be
描述: In the Bouchard's Hideout do not fall in the pits
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Super Lario
描述: After opening the first valve in Louvre Storm Drains open all others in 5 minutes or less
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Ghost of the Louvre
描述: Don't trigger the alarm in the Louvre Galleries
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Croft of the Blue
描述: Stealthly defeat the guard at the bottom of the Archaeological Dig
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Jackpot!
描述: Unlock the gate in the Archaeological Dig with no blocked rings on your last turn
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Fast and Curious
描述: Get to the bottom of the Tomb of the Ancients in 3 minutes or less
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | High-Flying
描述: Pass through the trap corridor in the Tomb of the Ancients with one swan dive and no damage taken
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Live Dangerously
描述: Do not use the right ledge in the Wrath of the Beast
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Two Steps a Hades
描述: Use only two pillars to take all the items in the Breath of Hades
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Rocket Woman
描述: Take off on five different blocks without taking damage in the Sanctuary of Flame
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Play with Fire
描述: Cross the Sanctuary of Flame before it is completely engulfed in flame and stay alive
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Be Like Water
描述: Do not get any damage in the Neptune's Hall
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Ghost in a Nutshell
描述: Get Brother Obscura's painting in 1 minute or less without being hurt
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR6 | More Gas, More Mess
描述: Escape the Louvre without using a respirator, healing or leaving any Gunderson's men alive
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Automatic From Luddick
描述: Buy the Scorpion X gun
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Silent as a Mouse
描述: Don't draw too much attention to yourself in the Strahov Fortress warehouses
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Snake Eater
描述: Why are you still here? Just to suffer?
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Reel Deal
描述: Bypass the laser trap in the Strahov Fortress without jumping or crawling
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Unnatural Selection
描述: Defeat all the mutants in the Bio-Research Facility
点数:15G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Perfect Mimicry
描述: Do a handstand in front of the big flower in the main botanical greenhouse
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Into the Hellmouth
描述: Swan dive into the Leviathan's reservoir
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Short Ration
描述: Finish the Aquatic Research Area without feeding the Leviathan
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | You’re Just a Monkey
描述: Defeat Proto-Nephilim using only melee and without taking a hit
点数:40G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Won’t Catch a Breath
描述: Get the aqua-lung and hold your breath until the end of the Vault of Trophies without losing health
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Dodgeboaz
描述: Evade all of Boaz's projectiles without attacking her during the shelling phase
点数:10G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Great Work
描述: Defeat Eckhardt without going to the ground or taking damage
点数:50G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Darwin Awards
描述: Find all the silliest ways to die
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Cash Overload
描述: Earn more than 3500 euros
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Two of Every Kind
描述: Find a pair both for Vector R35 and for Scorpion X guns
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Tactical Medicine
描述: Collect all medipacks in a single walkthrough
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Chocollection
描述: Get all the chocolates in a single walkthrough, but do not eat any of them
点数:30G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Memento Mori
描述: Collect and read all the notes in Werner's notebook
点数:20G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Electrocuties
描述: Defeat two different non-human enemies by tasing them
点数:40G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Corner Frag
描述: Defeat an enemy by shooting around the corner
点数:5G | 0条攻略
TR6 | This Is Lara!
描述: Send all undead knights into the pits
点数:35G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Never Again
描述: Beat the game on New Game+
点数:100G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Nehushtan
描述: Buy an antidote from the herbalist
点数:80G | 0条攻略
TR6 | Pawn Promotion
描述: Buy all the gun accessories at a pawn shop
点数:80G | 0条攻略